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Download game here PC Exclusive

Made in Unreal Engine 4

Main menu contains active buttons with a hover feature that alters the color of the buttons. Start game takes the player to a separate level where the game starts, the options button provides the player with the options to change the resolution and reset saved games, and an exit button that executes the application. The game is built with audio, an elegant song on loop in this screen, an ambient forest sound quietly playing in the background throughout the game, and sound effects for all pickups and actions. All art, design, sound, and programming was done by me.

The game begins with the logo slowly fading with an audio ambient sound of a forest playing on loop calmly in the background. The goal of this game is to collect the necessary tools to enter a mysterious building in the woods. There is a hunger system that diminishes over time, a stamina bar that prevents the player from sprinting once depleted, a flashlight gauge that turns the flashlight off when the battery dies, an objective screen that actively tracks the players progress, and an inventory system on the bottom that tracks what items the player picks up. Inventory is a compilation of pickup blueprints that all present data to the main widget that controls the UI.

This is a battery pickup that replenishes the players battery gauge under the stamina bar. Along with this pickup, there are small and large health pickups that replenish the players life. This was done in the character controller and links to the main widget that controls the UI. The box surrounding it is a collider that sends data to the character controller blueprints and destroys the object so it wouldn't be picked up again. An animation was added to all pickups that rotates the pickup on the x-axis and a point light was added in the center to make it a bit more noticeable in the dark setting.

An overall shot of the scene.

Here is a wireframe shot of the world I created from scratch. This was done with the landscape sculter, painter, and foliage painter.

Here is an animation that brings up a needed key to unlock the building. The key starts under the map, and once the player has collected the required number of wood to start a fire, the key animation shoots up the key giving an effect of it being forged from the fire. That is done by adding an empty group with the prefab selected, and adding a movement track. one tick is placed at zero with the position under the map, and the 2nd at one second, the position is brought up above the fire. Once played, the animation smoothly moves the key.

This game is technically a third person game, however it is played as first person. I stuck the camera to the players head as such which graciously let's the player see through his eyes rather than see his back. As the character bobs his head while breathing, the camera moves with the attached player. As he sprints, looks down, jumps, etc., the player can see their characters hands, body, and feet.

Here is another screenshot of the game that includes the campfire already lit. Before achieving the required amount of wood, the area is lit with no fire and the player cannot light said fire. Once the player does achieve the required amount of wood and enters the collision box of the campfire, an explosion is triggered with animation and the particle effect of the fire starts.

These are the animation blueprints. Everything was set to default, however I tweaked each setting to offer a well balanced and proportioned fire.

These are some sample blueprints of the player controller. I organized each set of blueprints via comments. When testing the game, each blueprint actively illuminates the web code it's currently running, making it easy to tell which blueprint is initiating which action.

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